Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"the grandmas and grandpas"

A classroom parent of mine said she was feeling like she wanted to do something nice for someone else...  So I arranged to take my class to the nursing home here in town.  I have been preparing the kids by telling them that we are going to visit some grandmas and grandpas that all live together in a big house and need help sometimes.  So all last week we talked about singing and reading to the grandmas and grandpas.  Today was the day that they got to ride on the little mini bus that I drove (this was very exciting), sing jingle bells quite a few times, and read a book of their choice to the residents at Heritage Park Care Center.  It was such an amazing feeling to be there showing love and care at this time of year.  The grandmas and grandpas were so thrilled to see all the cute little kids. It was just so precious!  It made my heart smile today.  After this venture was over we made a pit stop to the local Santa Mailbox to mail our letters to Santa.
In conclusion a very gratifying day!


tiff said...

did you remember your camera?

you are such a good kindergarten students have gotten nothing this week...ugh!!! so much for waiting to be sick over vacation!!!!

love this is so sweet...but photos would sweeten it up even more...come on...share!